Greetings! This is Zhaoxun "Lorenz" Liu, going by he/him/his.

I am currently pursuing my Master of Science in Applied Computing at the Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto. My work sits in the broad area of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), with specific interests in:

  • Human-AI Interaction: I apply my expertise in HCI & AI to build interactive systems and study their impact on users.
  • Human-Centered AI: I search for methods to control AI behaviors and align them with human values and goals.

I am also proficient in full-stack and game development to turn my research ideas into interactive applications.

Academic communities I find most intriguing: ACM CHI, NeurIPS.

My goal is to create intelligent interactive systems that prioritize the needs, capabilities, and safety of humans.

Prior to this, I finished my undergraduate study at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University (Beijing, China), from which I received my B.Eng. in Computer Science and Technology.

FYI, I am a semi-professional cellist; I also play guitar, billiards, and basketball.

✨ At this moment, I am a Machine Learning Researcher at University Health Network (UHN) , focusing on leveraging reinforcement learning and large language models to optimally manage mass-casualty trauma.

A Brief Explanation for My Interests

I find this article by Bill Gates extremely inspiring.

Currently, most AI applications are just bots, not agents. Bots are passive, while agents are proactive; agents make suggestions instead of taking in prompts. Unlike bots, agents learn things in an online way, which means they improve over time because they gradually understand and recognize intent and patterns in your behaviour. Based on this information, they offer to provide what they think you need.

That's what I find strikingly intriguing.

Hobbyist Favorites

  • Food: Szechuan, Korean, Thai
  • Sports: Basketball, Billiards
  • Music: Soft Rock, Classical, City Pop
  • Band: Eagles
  • Artist: Claude Monet
  • Cellist: Jacqueline du Pré
  • Composer: Antonín Dvořák